This is a demonstration on how to set up a simple COOP map.
There are 4 elements we’ll be using to set up this map.
To get started, go into your DFX2 game folder and find a file named "dfx2med" or "BO Med 260". I suggest you put a shortcut for this file on your desktop. This is the map editor (referred to as the MED) used for making maps.
1.) Events
2.) Area Triggers
3.) Waypoints
4.) Groups
Open the MED.
Select "Edit" then "General Information". This brings up the "General Information" window.
In the window you'll see several selections . . . some have drop down selections.
Click on the drop down for "Mission Terrain" and select any terrain. Click OK.
You'll see a terrain appear in the window. This is the surface we will play on when the map is complete.
Just for your information, repeat this process a few times selecting a different terrain each time.
1. Using the (+) or (-) keys zooms the screen in and out.
2. Depressing the Right Mouse Key and the CTRL key AT THE SAME TIME moves the terrain around in all directions.
3. There are 3 buttons at the top left of the General Information window . . . C, H, & D.
**C Is the colorized view of the terrain . . . probably what you are seeing now.
**H shows in greens the height of areas of the terrain. The lighter the green color, the higher (altitude) the area.
**D shows the flat areas at any altitude.
Start the MED if it's not already running.
Select a terrain.
Press the [d]button to show flat areas[/b]
Select Edit then Insert mode. "Insert Mode" will be displayed at the top right of your screen.
IMPORTANT - Be sure Insert Mode iS ONLY selected when placing items on the map
Right Clicking the mouse brings shows a pop up where you can deselect the Insert Mode Option.
An object or person can not be moved or adjusted unless the item(s) is/are selected. Clicking on and object(s) will change them to yellow in color.
Clicking on the object(s) a second time will unselect them. There is also an "UnSelect All" button at the top of the window. ALWAYS be sure only items you are trying to work with are selected.
To move an selected object you can either move it with the mouse or with the 4 arrows on the keyboard.
Holding the CTRL key and pressing one of the arrow keys will move the selected object 1 meter,
Just pressing one of the arrow keys will move the selected object considerably less than 1 meter.
Holding CTRL & SHIFT will rotate the objects using the arrow keys.
Holding SHIFT ONLY will rotate objects at a slower rate.
Place a START PLAYER on a flat area of the terrain.
Highlight the START PLAYER icon and then click on the white area with dark text at the bottom area of the MED to bring up the Item Attributes. Notice that this player is automatically assigned to BLUE TEAM. There are no other options.
Press CTRL-W to bring up the waypoint list. The number 1 is highlighted on the left. In the description box, type BLUE. Next, put a check in the boxes next to “WAYPOINT does not loop: and “Blue Team Waypoint”. CLICK OK
Place 3 waypoints on the map . . . 1 about 100m ahead of the start player, one to the right about 45 degrees to the right and 100m ahead of the 1st waypoint and the 3rd to the left of the 2nd waypoint and 200m away.
Highlight ALL of the waypoints and bring up the Item Attributes again. In the waypoints section there’s a box called “List”. Select the down arrow button to the right of the box and select “Blue”. This makes the Waypoint list a Blue Waypoint List. CLICK OK.
Unselect all the waypoints then select only the first waypoint and bring up the Item Attributes again. In the same area, select the drop list next to the NAME box and select “Alpha”. The default number to the right should be the number 0. Click OK
Unselect all the waypoints then select only the second waypoint and bring up the Item Attributes again. Next to the waypoint list (blue) there should be a number 1. If not, enter a 1. In the same area, select the drop list next to the NAME box and select “Bravo” and Click OK
Unselect all the waypoints then select only the third waypoint .and bring up the Item Attributes again. Next to the waypoint list (blue) there should be a number 2. If not, enter a 2. In the same area, select the drop list next to the NAME box and select “Charlie” and Click OK
To this point we have waypoints set up for the Blue team. These waypoints will be the guide directing players to each objective. Before continuing BE SURE EVERYTHING IS UNSELECTED.
Setting up GROUPS.
Groups are used to classify related items, such as a squad of enemy soldiers or vehicles or other objects and set an identity for events and waypoints to occur.
Press CTRL-G to bring up the groups. You’ll see Blue and Red Players already entered. Leave them. Start with line 3.
Highlight #3 and in the description box type “Bad Guys”.
Highlight #4 and in the description box type “Crates”.
Highlight #5 and in the description box type “Trucks”.
Click OK.
Press CTRL-T to bring up Area Triggers. You’ll see nothing has been entered yet. Be sure number 1 is highlighted and type AREA 1 in the description Box. Click OK.
Right-click and select Insert Mode. From the MARKERS Section select Area Trigger. Place this marker slightly below and to the right of the START PLAYER icon. Repeat this and put the icon to the top-left of the start player. Now select BOTH of the area triggers then bring up the Item Attributes. In the Dropdown list in the Waypoints section, select “Area 1". Click OK
You should see orange lines connecting the area triggers. Be sure the Start Player icon is INSIDE the borders of the Area Trigger.
Setting the OBJECTIVES
Press CTRL-I to bring up the General Information screen. In the Win Conditions section, make these 3 selections:
“Eliminate All Resistance”
“Eliminate All Weapon Crates”
“Destroy Supply Trucks”
Click OK
Inserting Items.
Place a bad Guy at waypoint 0
Place a Weapons Crate at waypoint 1
Place a Supply Truck at waypoint 2
Assigning Items to GROUPS
Select ONLY the badguy, Press ENTER and select Group 3 from the GROUP Drop Down menu. Click OK
Select ONLY the Weapons Crate, Press ENTER and select Group 4 from the GROUP Drop Down menu. Click OK
Select ONLY the Supply Truck, Press ENTER and select Group 5 from the GROUP Drop Down menu. Click OK
All of this above is prep work that should be done before events can be set up properly. By doing all this in advance, you eliminate a lot of back and forth motion that can be really irritating.
Press CTRL-E to bring up the events window.
On the left side of this popup you’ll probably see [0] Event 0. Below that you will see New Event
There are 2 components to and event . . . the IF (Triggers) and THEN (Actions).
You’ll see the first event is named “Event 0". It’s a good idea to actually Name the events. It will come in very handy later on.
Name the (0)Event 0 Start of Game/RD to WP0 by typing over Event 0 in the Name box above.
Name the next event Alpha Destroyed/RD to WP1
Name the next event Bravo Destroyed/RD to WP2
Name the next event Trucks Destroyed/End Game
(Note: RD = Redirect, WP = Waypoint)
SETTING TRIGGER for Start of Game/RD to WP0 Event.
Double click on New Trigger to bring up the Event Trigger Window.
In Trigger Type select Group
In Trigger Condition select Area Trigger
In the Trigger Variables section, select Blue Players
In the Area drop down list, select 1 - area 1
Click OK
Double-click New Action in the THEN (Actions) section.
Select Show Win Subgoal in the Action Type
Select 1 - Eliminate All Resistance in the Subgoal Number
Select 1 from Mission Variables. (1 means yes, show the objective in the mission objectives on the game screen, 0 means no, don’t show it. You always want to show the mission objective)
Click OK
Double-click New Action again in the THEN (Actions) section.
Select Redirect Group in the Action Type
Select Blue Players in the Group Drop Down List
Select Blue in the Waypoint List Drop Down List”
Select 0 in the Waypoint number Drop Down List
Click OK
Select Alpha Destroyed/RD to WP1 IN THE Events section
SETTING TRIGGER FOR Alpha Destroyed/RD to WP1 Event
Double click on New Trigger to bring up the Event Trigger Window.
In Trigger Type select Group
In Trigger Condition select All Destroyed
In Trigger Variables, Group 1, select 3 - bad guys
Double-click New Action
Select Win Subgoal in the Action Type
Select 1-Eliminate All Resistance in the Sub Goal number section.
Click OK
next - double-click New Action.
Select Show Win Subgoal in the Action Type
Select 2 - Eliminate Weapon Crates
Click OK
next - double-click New Action.
Select Redirect Group in the Action Type
Select Blue Players in the Group Drop Down List
Select Blue in the Waypoint List Drop Down List”
Click OK
SETTING TRIGGER FOR Bravo Destroyed/RD to WP2 Event
Select Bravo Destroyed/RD to WP2 in the Events section.
Double click on New Trigger
In Trigger Type select Group
In Trigger Condition select All Destroyed
In Trigger Variables, Group 1, select 4 - Weapon Crates
SETTING THEN (Actions) Bravo Destroyed/RD to WP2
Double-click New Action in the THEN section again.
Select Win Subgoal in the Action Type
Select 2 - Eliminate All Weapon Crates
click OK
next - double-click New Action.
Select Show Win Subgoal
Select Destroy Supply Trucks
Select Variable Status 1
click OK
next - double-click New Action.
Select Redirect Group in the Action Type
Select Blue Players in the Group Drop Down List
Select Blue in the Waypoint List Drop Down List
Select 2 in the Waypoint number Drop Down List
Click OK
SETTING TRIGGER FOR Trucks Destroyed/Win Game
Select Trucks Destroyed/Win Game in the Events section
Double click on New Trigger
In Trigger Type select Group
In Trigger Condition select All Destroyed
In Trigger Variables, Group 1, select 5 - Supply Trucks
Click OK
next - double-click New Action.
Select Win Subgoal
Select Subgoal number 3 - Destroy Supply Trucks
Click OK
next - double-click New Action.
Select Win Blue
The Game Will be over.
The purpose for having Advancement Events is so once an objective is completed you want to direct the players to the next waypoint where the next objective is located. This is why I set up my events with names like Bravo Destroyed/RD to WP2 instead of Event 1, Event 2, etc.
The name tells me which waypoint to send the players to once an event has been completed. This is important because in setting up the Advancement Event, the drop down shows the actual names of the events.
In the 1st event, Start of Game/RD to WP0, the Advancement is generated by an Area Trigger. You can’t set up an Advancement Event for an Area Trigger - it’s already there. So, we’ll start with the 2nd event - Alpha Destroyed/RD to WP1
Here’s how to set it up. Be sure there is NOTHING highlighted on the Map.
1.) Highlight waypoint number 0
2.) Open the Item Attributes window
3.) Click on the drop down arrow next to the Advancement Event Box.
Remember, we’re redirecting from waypoint 0 to waypoint 1
4.) Select the event that RD to WP 1
Click OK
1.) Highlight waypoint 1
2.) Open the Item Attributes window
3.) Click on the drop down arrow next to the Advancement Event Box.
4.) Select the event that RD to WP2
That’s it . . .
Be sure single player is selected in the General Information window and try out the map to see how it works.
Mini-COOP Tutorial
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