english to make you think.

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english to make you think.

Post by UK-Sapper »

Think on it. English is a strange language.
for instance. Some of the simplest things said make you wonder.

weather reporters often say "Heavy showers today"
Does this mean the rain drops weighed more than yesterday's rain drops.

also there could be some Light rain, Is there a Dark rain.

Police officer pulled me over one time on the motorway,
he approached my vehicle and asked, "Do you know how fast you were going"
my reply was " you should know you were trying to catch me"

TV adverts are the best, consider you are sitting down watching an advert
which is trying to sell you the newest TV, Something like this.

The sound definition on this TV is so clear you can hear a pin drop
The picture quality is so sharp
the color definition is so vivid

Would you not want one.
(Pause for thought)
My TV has to be as good or better as I can hear the sound, see the picture and color already

A once well know brand of Dog food always stated that "100 pedigree Dog owners could not be wrong"
Does this mean they ate the dog food first????

Government always say the country is short of money.
so why don't they just print more.

why do they call road works, "ROAD WORKS" when its on a pavement (sidewalk)

in the UK we have FLAT's (Hi-rise) and single floor buildings is a bungalow
Should be "FLAT" for a single floor home, and Bungalow for (hi-rise) as it is Bung-A-Load on top
Madness is Just a state of Mind.
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