Map keeps giving me SYSDUMP

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The Texican-PG-
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Map keeps giving me SYSDUMP

Post by The Texican-PG- »

I started working on my CO-OP map again after taking a few weeks break. When I went in to test it after making all the Enemy not blind I keep getting a sysdump just at the end of it loading. I had the map in COOPERATIVE and changed it to SINGLE PLAYER and it still gave me a sysdump.

The export log is as follows:

256 People
130 Vehicles/Objects
534 Buildings/Decorations
21 Markers
10 Area Triggers


21844K - Approximate Vertex Data

3DI Memory Usage Statistics
363K Dcycle2 - Drivable Motorcycle
82K Ashed1 - Airport Supply Shed #1
79K Ashed2 - Airport Supply Shed #2
252K Ctower1 - Communications Tower #1
22K techbx2 - Techbox #2
55K spkrpole - Speaker on post
6K Kspacer2 - Klong Spacer #2
168K Mfence3 - 64 ft. Section of chain link fence w/one pole
123K Chmtnk2 - Chemical container #4
70K techbx1 - Technical equipment #1
696K wtrtwr1 - Water tower #1
199K wtrtwr2 - Water tower #2
285K Chmbnkr2 - Chemical storage bunker #2, interior
252K Cvbrks3 - Barracks building #3, interior
362K coallfpA - Coal Mine LFP #1 NON-LFP
13K Cwalk - Chain link walkway
316K Fsldr01D - Friendly Soldier D #1 M4 Hp100
185K Cshak1 - DF1 Cshack1
463K Cshak2 - DF1 Cshack2
245K dperu2 - DF1 small metal tin building w/ porch
145K gtowra - DF1 small wooden gaurd tower
79K nettent - DF1 camoflauge net ten
149K bunkbed - DF1 bunkbed
890K btr801 - BTR801, non-driveable vehicle
644K Fueltrk1 - Fuel Truck, non-driveable vehicle
711K nbo1052 - Nbo105 miniguns, non-driveable vehicle
991K t801 - T80, non-driveable vehicle
528K truck2 - Truck2, non-driveable vehicle
141K peru3 - DF1 large stone building #2
708K Puma1 - Super Puma, non-driveable vehicle
72K PwrSTCHL - Satchel Charge
840K Ihq01 - Indonesian HQ building #1
806K Dchnk1 - Flyable Chinook
142K sbag04 - Sand bag wall #4, 5m. bunker NO roof
771K O_tanka - Oil tank #1
917K O_tankb - Oil tank #2
545K O_tankc - Oil tank #3
415K Ihq03 - Indonesian HQ building #3
30K Radio01 - Radio component #1
9K Radio02 - Radio component #2
9K Radio03 - Radio component #3
5K Radio04 - Radio component #4
121K MwalGB - Iron gate, closed
159K Fpred - Rebel Base Flag
86K Rbags - Rice bags #1
6K Rbags2 - Rice bags #2
273K Eindo03 - Indonesian Soldier #3 with RPG STANDING
Eindo03 - BO JO-Indonesian Soldier #3 with RPG
4K Table01 - Old wooden four legged table
0K Cargo01 - Large Metal Cargo Container both doors closed
4K Cargo02 - Large Metal Cargo Container one door open
10K Bed01 - Messy Mattress on the floor
20K Chair02 - Broken Office Chair
26K lndmine1 - All Un-marked Land Mine Section
167K E50triB - 50cal on 180 tripod
922K Dblkhwk1 - Flyable Blackhawk
7K Imstal1 - Indonesian market bld 1
66K Imstal3 - Indonesian market bld 3
115K Imstal4 - Indonesian market bld 4
238K Fpilot01 - Downed Pilot #1 with Pistol
278K Fpilot02 - Downed Pilot #2 unarmed
185K WpnCt5B - Stack of Weapons Crates, Red glow
362K J_tgrp4 - Jungle Tree Group 4
39K Barbrol1 - Barbwire Fence 1
20K Barbrol2 - Barbwire Fence 2 endpost
2K minepost - Minefield Warning Sign
83K Wgrdtwr1 - Three layer wooden guard tower
114K Mhangar1 - Small sized steel hangar. Two doors on one side
126K Mhangar2 - Small steel hangar with rounded roof
25K Mfence1 - Mfence1 8 ft. Section of chain link fence w/one pole€
42K Mfenceg1 - Gated entry section of chain link fence
169K quae - BO QUAD RACER (green camo)
126K splightr - BO spotlight (light/rotating)
74K ctent1 - BO Camp Tent 1
4K hpad - BO Helo Pad
2K BO_DGEN - BO Copco Generator
14K camnet2 - BO Camo Net 2
2K MwalC1 - BO 8m stone wall piece
4K MwalC2 - BO 16m stone wall piece
9K MwalC3 - BO 32m stone wall piece
1K MwalC4 - BO stone wall end cap piece
626K Armry01 - BO Armory Version #1
773K Armry02 - BO Mobile Armory Version #2
173K Armry03 - BO Armory Version #3
65K DDBH01 - BO Drug Lord's Boat House BHD
267K Eindo01 - BO JO-Indonesian Soldier #1 with AK47
273K Eindo03 - BO JO-Indonesian Soldier #3 with RPG
Eindo03 - Indonesian Soldier #3 with RPG STANDING
294K Eindo04 - BO JO-Indonesian Soldier #4 with Stinger
365K Eindo05 - BO JO-Indonesian Soldier #5 Female with Dragunov
393K Eindo07 - BO JO-Indonesian Soldier #7 with AK74
195K bot10 - BO Bot 10, w_MP5K (Force Stand)
685K mil261 - Mil26, non-driveable vehicle
“If you ain't dyin', we probably need to put more fog in the map”
― The Texican-PG-
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The Texican-PG-
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Re: Map keeps giving me SYSDUMP

Post by The Texican-PG- »

Hmmmm? I went back and deleted the six or seven 'Friendly Soldier w/SAW 1000hp' that I had added and resaved and now it's loading. Not sure why it did that.
“If you ain't dyin', we probably need to put more fog in the map”
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Re: Map keeps giving me SYSDUMP

Post by Bubbachuk-PG- »

Too many bad guys. You have to allow for the number of players what will be in the server, 16 max plus the start player object - that's 17 right there.
With the Approximate Vertex Data you have of 21844K, even dropping your BGs back to 238 may still be a problem, depending on how cluttered the map is. Flashing or ghosting (running thru objects) is a problem with clutter & too many BGs.
I rarely put more than 170 - 180 BGs in a map. I actually try to keep them below 160 and then teleport BGs from other areas.
Good Luck - glad to see you're back at it. :D

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who
are willing to work and give to those who would not.
~ Thomas Jefferson

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