I started working on my CO-OP map again after taking a few weeks break. When I went in to test it after making all the Enemy not blind I keep getting a sysdump just at the end of it loading. I had the map in COOPERATIVE and changed it to SINGLE PLAYER and it still gave me a sysdump.
The export log is as follows:
256 People
130 Vehicles/Objects
534 Buildings/Decorations
21 Markers
10 Area Triggers
21844K - Approximate Vertex Data
3DI Memory Usage Statistics
363K Dcycle2 - Drivable Motorcycle
82K Ashed1 - Airport Supply Shed #1
79K Ashed2 - Airport Supply Shed #2
252K Ctower1 - Communications Tower #1
22K techbx2 - Techbox #2
55K spkrpole - Speaker on post
6K Kspacer2 - Klong Spacer #2
168K Mfence3 - 64 ft. Section of chain link fence w/one pole
123K Chmtnk2 - Chemical container #4
70K techbx1 - Technical equipment #1
696K wtrtwr1 - Water tower #1
199K wtrtwr2 - Water tower #2
285K Chmbnkr2 - Chemical storage bunker #2, interior
252K Cvbrks3 - Barracks building #3, interior
362K coallfpA - Coal Mine LFP #1 NON-LFP
13K Cwalk - Chain link walkway
316K Fsldr01D - Friendly Soldier D #1 M4 Hp100
185K Cshak1 - DF1 Cshack1
463K Cshak2 - DF1 Cshack2
245K dperu2 - DF1 small metal tin building w/ porch
145K gtowra - DF1 small wooden gaurd tower
79K nettent - DF1 camoflauge net ten
149K bunkbed - DF1 bunkbed
890K btr801 - BTR801, non-driveable vehicle
644K Fueltrk1 - Fuel Truck, non-driveable vehicle
711K nbo1052 - Nbo105 miniguns, non-driveable vehicle
991K t801 - T80, non-driveable vehicle
528K truck2 - Truck2, non-driveable vehicle
141K peru3 - DF1 large stone building #2
708K Puma1 - Super Puma, non-driveable vehicle
72K PwrSTCHL - Satchel Charge
840K Ihq01 - Indonesian HQ building #1
806K Dchnk1 - Flyable Chinook
142K sbag04 - Sand bag wall #4, 5m. bunker NO roof
771K O_tanka - Oil tank #1
917K O_tankb - Oil tank #2
545K O_tankc - Oil tank #3
415K Ihq03 - Indonesian HQ building #3
30K Radio01 - Radio component #1
9K Radio02 - Radio component #2
9K Radio03 - Radio component #3
5K Radio04 - Radio component #4
121K MwalGB - Iron gate, closed
159K Fpred - Rebel Base Flag
86K Rbags - Rice bags #1
6K Rbags2 - Rice bags #2
273K Eindo03 - Indonesian Soldier #3 with RPG STANDING
Eindo03 - BO JO-Indonesian Soldier #3 with RPG
4K Table01 - Old wooden four legged table
0K Cargo01 - Large Metal Cargo Container both doors closed
4K Cargo02 - Large Metal Cargo Container one door open
10K Bed01 - Messy Mattress on the floor
20K Chair02 - Broken Office Chair
26K lndmine1 - All Un-marked Land Mine Section
167K E50triB - 50cal on 180 tripod
922K Dblkhwk1 - Flyable Blackhawk
7K Imstal1 - Indonesian market bld 1
66K Imstal3 - Indonesian market bld 3
115K Imstal4 - Indonesian market bld 4
238K Fpilot01 - Downed Pilot #1 with Pistol
278K Fpilot02 - Downed Pilot #2 unarmed
185K WpnCt5B - Stack of Weapons Crates, Red glow
362K J_tgrp4 - Jungle Tree Group 4
39K Barbrol1 - Barbwire Fence 1
20K Barbrol2 - Barbwire Fence 2 endpost
2K minepost - Minefield Warning Sign
83K Wgrdtwr1 - Three layer wooden guard tower
114K Mhangar1 - Small sized steel hangar. Two doors on one side
126K Mhangar2 - Small steel hangar with rounded roof
25K Mfence1 - Mfence1 8 ft. Section of chain link fence w/one pole€
42K Mfenceg1 - Gated entry section of chain link fence
169K quae - BO QUAD RACER (green camo)
126K splightr - BO spotlight (light/rotating)
74K ctent1 - BO Camp Tent 1
4K hpad - BO Helo Pad
2K BO_DGEN - BO Copco Generator
14K camnet2 - BO Camo Net 2
2K MwalC1 - BO 8m stone wall piece
4K MwalC2 - BO 16m stone wall piece
9K MwalC3 - BO 32m stone wall piece
1K MwalC4 - BO stone wall end cap piece
626K Armry01 - BO Armory Version #1
773K Armry02 - BO Mobile Armory Version #2
173K Armry03 - BO Armory Version #3
65K DDBH01 - BO Drug Lord's Boat House BHD
267K Eindo01 - BO JO-Indonesian Soldier #1 with AK47
273K Eindo03 - BO JO-Indonesian Soldier #3 with RPG
Eindo03 - Indonesian Soldier #3 with RPG STANDING
294K Eindo04 - BO JO-Indonesian Soldier #4 with Stinger
365K Eindo05 - BO JO-Indonesian Soldier #5 Female with Dragunov
393K Eindo07 - BO JO-Indonesian Soldier #7 with AK74
195K bot10 - BO Bot 10, w_MP5K (Force Stand)
685K mil261 - Mil26, non-driveable vehicle
Map keeps giving me SYSDUMP
- The Texican-PG-
- Squad Member
- Posts: 1752
- Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:00 pm
Map keeps giving me SYSDUMP

“If you ain't dyin', we probably need to put more fog in the map”
― The Texican-PG-
- The Texican-PG-
- Squad Member
- Posts: 1752
- Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2010 5:00 pm
Re: Map keeps giving me SYSDUMP
Hmmmm? I went back and deleted the six or seven 'Friendly Soldier w/SAW 1000hp' that I had added and resaved and now it's loading. Not sure why it did that.

“If you ain't dyin', we probably need to put more fog in the map”
― The Texican-PG-
- Bubbachuk-PG-
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Re: Map keeps giving me SYSDUMP
Too many bad guys. You have to allow for the number of players what will be in the server, 16 max plus the start player object - that's 17 right there.
With the Approximate Vertex Data you have of 21844K, even dropping your BGs back to 238 may still be a problem, depending on how cluttered the map is. Flashing or ghosting (running thru objects) is a problem with clutter & too many BGs.
I rarely put more than 170 - 180 BGs in a map. I actually try to keep them below 160 and then teleport BGs from other areas.
Good Luck - glad to see you're back at it.
With the Approximate Vertex Data you have of 21844K, even dropping your BGs back to 238 may still be a problem, depending on how cluttered the map is. Flashing or ghosting (running thru objects) is a problem with clutter & too many BGs.
I rarely put more than 170 - 180 BGs in a map. I actually try to keep them below 160 and then teleport BGs from other areas.
Good Luck - glad to see you're back at it.

The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who
are willing to work and give to those who would not. ~ Thomas Jefferson
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