Setting Up Waypoints

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Setting Up Waypoints

Post by Bubbachuk-PG- »

Waypoints are like the GPS of the game. They direct players, bots, vehicles and can be used as triggers. In this tutorial I will show you how to find the waypoints in the Map Editor and then place them on a terrain (map). Let's get started . . .

To get started you first need to open your map editor, click on EDIT and then General Information. From the General Information window, select a terrain from the drop down list under the heading "Mission Terrain". Select the first terrain . . . dfb3, then Click OK.

Position the mouse pointer someplace on the terrain, Right-Click your mouse and select the "Insert Mode". This can also be done by pressing the "Insert" key on your keyboard.

Next, LEFT-CLICK your mouse and the "Insert Item" window pops up. In that window in the "Type Filter" section select "Markers". A list of Markers shows in the bottom window. Scroll down until you see 'Waypoints' and select it. Click OK. A Waypoint appears on the terrain.

Position the mouse cursor about 2 inches above the waypoint already on the terrain and left-click your mouse again. The same window will pop up with "Markers" and "Waypoint" still selected. Just click OK and another waypoint is placed on the screen. Do this once more until there are 3 waypoints on the terrain.

Now that the waypoints are on the terrain, we have to assign them to the group of players that are going to use the. For this example, we're going to assign these waypoints to the 'Blue' team. . . that's us . . . the players. Here's how its done.

Click on 'EDIT' and then select Waypoints. The window shown below pops up. Type in the information highlighted in yellow and check the boxes highlighted in yellow then click OK.

Now that we have a name for the waypoints, we need to assign the name to our waypoint list. First, we have to get your mouse out of the "Insert Mode". Right-Click your mouse and select the "Insert Mode" from the pop up window. (This can also be done by pressing the "Insert" key on your keyboard.) This takes it out of the Insert Mode and puts it in the "Selection Mode".

Now left-click on each of the waypoints and highlight all 3 of them. On the lower left of the screen you'll see and area with black text over a white back ground. This is the "Item Attributes" of the waypoints. Left-Click on any of the text to bring up the "Item Attributes" Window.

In the Waypoints section there is a heading named 'List". Below that is a drop down menu. Click on the down arrow and select "1 - Blue Team." (IGNORE THE HIGHLIGHTED NUMBER 2 NEXT TO THE WAYPOINT LIST BOX.)
In the center of the window there is a section named "Team". It probably has 'Neutral' in there now. Click on the drop down and select 'Good[Blue]'.

Click OK. You should see a blue line connecting the waypoints. You have just created a "Waypoint List".


When placing waypoints on your map, you don't need to place them in any particular order. HOWEVER, and this is a BIG HOWEVER, when you are ready to assign the waypoints to a named waypoint list, you MUST select them in the order that you want them to run.

If waypoints, which are your respawn points, are on the terrain, they should be FLAT on the terrain. If one is hanging in the air then players will respawn in the air and can be killed when they hit the ground if they don't deploy their parachute in time. To prevent this from happening, select a waypoint or a complete waypoint list (if they are all on the ground), right-click your mouse and select "Snap to Terrain" from the pop up window. This sets them flat on the terrain.

Each waypoint list has its on unique number. The waypoint list you just created is "Waypoint List 1". Within the Waypoint List, each waypoint has its own number. For example, when you look at the samples below you see the highlighted Waypoint in the Item Attributes as 1,0, 1,2 and 1,3.

Waypoint 1,0 is waypoint number 0 in waypoint list 1
Waypoint 1,1 is waypoint number 1 in waypoint list 1
Waypoint 1,2 is waypoint number 2 in waypoint list 1

Have Fun and Good Luck!!