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More Weather

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:34 pm
by Country Joe-PG-
More WAC Weather scripts:

Simple rain during entire map=

If never () then
rain(50,1)// Starts raining as soon as map starts
overcast(100,1)//Complete over cast no matter what Enviorment you select in MED

You can change the first number in the rain script to have it rain more heavily (70) or lightly (10)
Same with the overcast.


If never () then
snow(50,1)// Starts snowing as soon as map starts
overcast(100,1)//Complete over cast no matter what Enviorment you select in MED

Fog can be moved as well with the WAC file. Here's and example of how it can be tied to an event:

If Event (0) and never () then
consol("Move out Team. Enemy Troops have set up camp")
consol("just over the ridge. Your first mission is to attack the")
consol("camp and eliminate all enemy troops.")
fogdist(800)//Sets the fog to 800 meters at start of map.
fogcolor(100,100,100)//Sets fog color to grey.

If Event (3) and never () then
consol("Move to the next check point")
consol("further instructions while you're enroute.")
movefog(400,60)//Moves fog to 400 meters over 60 seconds

Just a note of caution using the fog. It's easy to over do it. If you run the fog to say 300 meters and set the enemy's engagement distance to higher than 300 meters, it will become next to impossible to kill any enemy since they can see you but you can't see them.