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Locating .mis files in Win 8.1

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 5:50 pm
by The Texican-PG-
I'm having trouble locating the map files needed to send to Bubba. Anybody know where they are located? Bubba connected via TeamViewer and we couldn't locate them.

Re: Locating .mis files in Win 8.1

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 12:17 am
by huntor
I would think it would be in Users/UsernameFolderYOuUse/AppData and somwhere in there if it saves in the user folder.

Your best bet for doing maps would be to make a copy of DFX2 game and put it outside of the Program Files folder. It tries to block and keep your files save in that folder.

So if you have a copy at C:\Delta Force Xtreme 2 All of your files will save to that game directory instead of missing and saying in user folder. Also make sure you do not have a period in the folder name as that screws up the save location too.