The Clintons

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The Texican-PG-
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The Clintons

Post by The Texican-PG- »

When Bill and Hillary Clinton got married, Bill informed Hillary that he had a shoe box under the bed, and that she was never to open it under any circumstances.

Hillary agreed and promised to never open the box.

Hillary respected his wish as the years went by and kept her promise.

But after several years of marriage, Hillary's curiosity got the best of her.

She opened the box and found several hundred dollars in cash, and a couple of empty beer cans.

She felt guilty, and confessed to Bill that she had opened the box, apologizing profusely.

Bill said it was okay.

Hillary asked him, "what are the beer cans for?"

Bill replies, "Hillary, every time I was unfaithful to you, I drank a beer and promised never to do it again."

Hillary is taken aback, but not surprised.

She thought well there was Monica, maybe one other woman, I guess that's not too bad.

It's all good. He was the president and had some flings here and there.

She then asks Bill "what's all the cash for?"

Bill says "well, every time the box got full, I took it to the recycling center for the deposit."
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Re: The Clintons

Post by Bubbachuk-PG- »

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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are willing to work and give to those who would not.
~ Thomas Jefferson

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